KUEST is a multi-level outreach program designed to expose underrepresented minority and female middle school through senior level students to engineering and engage them in various engineering activities and the engineering design process. KUEST partners with under-resourced local middle and high schools with significant minority and low-income student populations for project-based day camps and ACT and other college preparedness workshops.

Entering first-year students have the opportunity to participate in the KUEST ONE bridge program, a week-long, residential experience that includes project, research, and study skill activities.


  • KUEST ONE (ONE stands for "Outstanding New Engineers") is a full week residential engineering acclimation program with project-based learning, research, and study skills training for graduated seniors entering KU.
  • This is an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with KU, the School of Engineering and their resources, and Engineering faculty. It also provides opportunities for students to build relationships with fellow engineering students that have similar ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
  • KUEST ONE students receive a one-year scholarship as well as personalized advising and tutoring.
IHAWKe Members

KUEST 9 - 12

  • Depending on academic grade level, students will: engage in half-day tours, hear from IHAWKe student panels, participate in one or two day engineering workshops, receive ACT preparation information and participate in a mentoring program.
High School students with Robot

KUEST Middle School

  • Students engage in engineering day camps at their respective schools
KUEST Middle School students