Digital Signage Submission

This is the space to submit events or messages to be displayed on video monitors throughout the School of Engineering. Submissions must be made by 8 a.m. Thursdays to run for the following week.  

Please use the submission form below to provide basic details about the event, including the duration it should run. 

Submissions must also include a graphic to be displayed, and the submission form includes a spot to upload content. KU Engineering also has templates with the proper sizing and KU branding elements available to customize and upload.

System Requirements

  • Each image must be precisely 1920 x 1080 pixels. 
  • Acceptable file formats: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, ppt, pptx, mov, mp3, wav. Please note: if video files are submitted, they will run without sound and must have captions that include proper spelling and punctuation. 
  • Posts should be limited to 25-30 words.

The graphic should include all relevant information about the event including date, time and location. Images will be displayed for 15 seconds on a rotating basis. Since each message is only displayed for a brief time, simple, streamlined, easy-to-read messaging is critical.

The PR office reviews each submission. Content deemed too wordy or that deviates from KU's branding standards may be sent back for revisions before getting posted. 

Please review the list of KU Digital Signage Best Practices for more details. 

Please contact Cody Howard with any questions.