School of Engineering
University of Kansas awarded $26 million for new Engineering Research Center from the U.S. National Science Foundation. Mark Shiflett, Foundation Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering and Director of the Wonderful Institute for Sustainable Engineering, will lead the ERC EARTH Center.
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Student Perspectives

Aiden Jimenez
Architectural Engineering
Associated General Contractors KU chapter president, KU Engineering IHAWKe Program ambassador, Music Mentors mentor
“I like the small and tight knit community aspect of KU Engineering. Everyone is willing to help each other out, which helps to create an inclusive and productive learning environment.”

Alyssa Yelton
Mechanical Engineering
O’Fallon, Missouri
SELF Fellow, KU Engineering ambassador, biomechanics research lab, Society of Biomedical Engineers member
“The most rewarding part of my undergraduate experience has been incorporating what I learned in my classes into my research. In my freshman year, I learned how to CAD 3D models and 3D print. I was able to use these skills to design and print the testing structures for my research in the biomechanics research lab.”

Carson Richardson
Aerospace Engineering
Wellsville, Kansas
Undergraduate research fellow, KU Engineering ambassador, KU Glee Choir member, Jayhawk Aero Design mechanical systems lead
“The most rewarding thing I’ve done is work on Jayhawk Aero Design. Getting the opportunity to apply the knowledge base I’ve cultivated at KU to create unique solutions is incredibly fulfilling.”

Andrew Reyes
Computer Science
Lawrence, Kansas
SELF Fellow, Engineering Student Council, KU Engineering summer camp assistant
“Studying abroad and broadening my cultural experiences in Slovenia was one of the most unique and rewarding experiences in my educational journey. I had the opportunity to learn about engineering and business practices at various engineering firms across the country.”