Engineering Student Resources

We are excited to have you here, and are committed to providing you with the tools to make your time here successful because, YOUR Success, is OUR Success. We know success is more than getting good grades, so we've put together a list of resources to help you in the classroom and beyond. The Engineering Student Success Team is here to help you.
Engineering Resources
The Engineering Connector is your one-stop platform for all things related to the School of Engineering, including involvement, engagement, events, resources, and more. Engineering students may log-in with their KU online ID information.
The School of Engineering provides free small study groups for foundational courses, such as MATH 104/125/126/127. Other courses are offered depending on tutor availability and experience. This service is available only for students in the School of Engineering. A weekly schedule of study groups/drop-in tutoring hours is available below. These study sessions are in LEEP2 on the second floor.
The School of Engineering partners with departments that are foundational to undergraduate engineering student success. Hosted by the School of Engineering, we hold practice exam sessions to practice test-taking strategies, review content, and answer your questions with engineering tutors, engineering student organizations, and your professors. These are typically Sundays before big exams, in the late afternoon to evening.
KU's Math, Chemistry, and Physics Departments offer additional support for their courses. These are additional resources apart from Engineering small study groups, Engineering practice exam sessions, and support offered by Wingspan.
Many foundational math, chemistry, and physics courses offer Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions
Mathematics Department
- Math Help Room offered through Math Tutoring Services
- Location: 651 Snow Hall
- Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm; Friday, 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Chemistry Department
- Chemistry Resources for Undergraduate Students
- Chemistry has a special program called the PLUS program, which you can participate in virtually or in person.
- Department Location: 1140 Gray-Little Hall/Integrated Science Building (ISB), Phone: 785-864-4670
Physics & Astronomy Department
- Department Website
- Department Location: 1082 Malott Hall, Phone: 785-864-4626
Review information on undergraduate student academic standing in the School of Engineering here.
Have questions about advising? Check out the advising overview for the School of Engineering. View sample degree plans for all undergraduate majors.
Your dedicated engineering academic advisor is part of Jayhawk Academic Advising (JAA). Undergraduate academic advisors are broken down by major or program advised. For undecided and pre-engineering students, contact your assigned advisor in Jayhawk GPS.
Aerospace Engineering Department (AE)
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering
- Location: 2120 Learned Hall
- Contact: 785-864-4267 |
Bioengineering Program
Minor in Biomedical Engineering
Undergraduate Certificate in Bioengineering
- Location: 1132 Learned Hall
- Contact: 785-864-5258 |
Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Department (C&PE)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
- Location: 4132 Learned Hall
- Contact: 785-864-4965 |
Civil, Environmental, & Architectural Engineering Department (CEAE)
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Location: 2150 Learned Hall
- Contact: 785-864-3766 |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (EECS)
Bachelor of Science in Applied Computing
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity
- Location: 2001 Eaton Hall
- Contact: 785-864-4620 |
Engineering Physics Program (EPHX)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics
- Location: 1082 Malott Hall
- Contact: 785-864-4626 |
Mechanical Engineering Department (ME)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Location: 3138 Learned Hall
- Contact: 785-864-3181 |
Read the School of Engineering policy on academic misconduct and academic grade appeals here.
Additional Academic Resources
The Student Access Center (SAC) coordinates accommodations for students at KU. It is an individual's choice whether to self-identify, submit documentation, and make the decision about using accommodations. Accommodations are authorized after a student submits a complete application with documentation and meets with an Access Specialist in the SAC.
Wingspan: Center for Learning and Writing Support
- Tutoring Services - This program provides small groups, course-specific tutoring and the groups meet twice per week for one-and-a-half hours each meeting during Fall and Spring semesters.
- Supplemental Instruction - Peer-facilitated study sessions and office hours to review challenging material, connect students, and address effective study strategies.
- Peer Academic Coaching - Provides individual and group support to help students set and achieve goals and develop behaviors, habits, and strategies for college success and life.
- Academic Success Guides - Topics include how to manage your time, develop effective study skills and strategies, become a successful test-taker, and more.
Writing Resources
Writers need feedback, sounding boards, and other people to coach them while they compose. That's where the KU Writing Center comes in. It's a place for productive talk about writing, with trained peer consultants to help you brainstorm, draft, and revise your projects. In person and online appointments are available.
TRIO SES & STEM provides a supportive community for participants during their time at the University of Kansas. To help students achieve academic success and be prepared for success in a global environment, TRIO provides comprehensive support services by working with eligible students to identify personal areas of strengths and challenges. TRIO's support ranges from academic advising, financial aid, tutoring, career or graduate school preparation, and any needs based on individual circumstances.
TRIO Eligibility Criteria
- First-generation college students - Neither parent nor guardian has earned a bachelor's degree
- Students with high financial need - Family income falls within 150% of low-income guidelines set by the federal government
- Students with a disability or chronic condition - Students that are receiving accommodations with KU's Student Access Center
- The Instructor Center from Wingspan provides instructors, faculty, and staff ways to promote and engage university resources that Wingspan offers.
Student Access Center
- The Instructor Center from the Student Access Center serves as a central hub designed to provide faculty and instructors at KU with essential information about the accommodations process. Information on Rights and Responsibilities; Syllabus Statement; Implementing Academic Accommodations; Flexible Attendance; Providing Exam Accommodations; and Recruiting a Note-Taker can be found above.
Health, Well-Being, & Campus Community
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students with issues related to adjusting to college and other psychological, interpersonal, and family problems. Individual and group sessions are available.
Counseling Services
KU Recreation Services provides University of Kansas students, faculty, and staff with a variety of resources for physical fitness, team, and individual sports, classes, and personal training.
Student Support and Case Management uses a holistic and strengths based approach, and in collaboration with campus and community partners, empowers all students to address and overcome barriers to achieve their educational and personal goals while at the University of Kansas. SSCM works together with students, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity, to support and connect them to each other and their communities to promote a safer, healthier, and more caring environment.
Concerned about a student? Submit a report here.
The Health Education Resource Office (HERO) is a source for KU community wellness through partnerships that support innovative approaches toward optimal health while maximizing academic and professional success.
Watkins Health Services' focus is providing high-quality affordable student healthcare that supports the Jayhawk learning experience.
Legal Services for Students (LSS) provides legal advice, assistance and education to students at the KU Lawrence Campus. Licensed attorneys and trained legal interns work with students to help prevent legal obstacles from getting in the way of academic success. LSS is free, confidential and conveniently located on the KU Lawrence campus.
The Ombuds Office is a confidential, impartial, informal and independent office on campus where members of the campus community can discuss issues they may be facing as a student, staff or faculty member.
As a One University office, the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX is committed to KU being an institution that is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual violence and retaliation. We strive for a campus where greater fairness, care, and belonging are integrated into our learning and workplace practices and all have opportunities to meet their academic and professional goals.
The Report Concerns and Issues site provides contact information for reporting a variety of campus concerns and issues. Search by keyword or use the filter menu to browse by category.
Get Involved
The Engineering Connector is your one-stop platform for all things related to the School of Engineering, including involvement, engagement, events, resources, and more. Engineering students may log-in with their KU online ID information.
The Engineering Career Center sets students up for success when preparing to enter the workforce. From polishing the resume, to developing a strategy for job interviews and networking with prospective employers.
Upcoming Career Center Events
IHAWKe is a KU Engineering resource led by our Associate Dean for Impact & Belonging and the IHAWKE Coordinator. IHAWKe hosts programs, resources, student organizations, and scholarships with a commitment to increasing the number of diverse engineers to address and create solutions for the complex, multicultural, multidisciplinary challenges that exist in today’s global society.
The School of Engineering is home to many amazing student groups. See which one is right for you and get involved!
Upcoming Student Group Events
The Student Engagement Center at KU serves as a hub for student involvement, leadership development, impact programs and resources, and community programs.
The Study Abroad & Global Engagement Office is an academic support unit that develops and maintains international educational programs for students and faculty.
- Programs by Major Guide (Scroll down to School of Engineering)
KU offers a wide variety of Experiential Learning Programs and Certificates that offer fantastic opportunities for undergraduate students. Whether you're looking to build your resume, gain hands-on experience, or take your education beyond the classroom, KU has got you covered. All completed experiential learning certificates will be notated on your academic transcript.
Experiential Learning Certificate Programs
- Arts Engagement Certificate Program
- Certificate in Professional Selling
- Certificate in Service Learning
- Entrepreneurship Certificate Program
- Global Awareness Program
- Leadership Engagement Certificate Program
Participating in undergraduate research is a great way to explore your interests and gain hands-on experience.
- Research Areas by Department
- Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program
- KU Center for Undergraduate Research - Undergraduate students interested in research or graduate study are encouraged to get involved in a research lab in their focus area. This may be developed through a specific faculty member, or through the Center for Undergraduate Research. Undergraduate researchers may be voluntary with minimal responsibilities, or include paid positions with defined expectations and responsibilities.
Upcoming Research Events
KU's Center For Community Outreach's mission is to empower students through service experiences and collaborative partnerships to meaningfully serve our local and global communities as lifelong active, aware and engaged citizens.
KU's Center for Service Learning offers services and supports to students, faculty, departments, community engagement professionals, and community partners to advance the interests and commitment of the university in promoting public service, community and civic engagement. CSL's efforts include service learning, civic engagement, community-engaged scholarship, and other community-engaged efforts.