Undergraduate Advising
Understanding and negotiating curriculum requirements, enrollment, and academic calendar deadlines while carrying a full load of courses can be challenging. There are various resources for students to navigate their academic requirements, including the KU Academic Catalog and the Academic Calendar.
Academic Catalog
An overview of the School of Engineering and each engineering program's academic requirements, suggested course schedules, and school regulations are available at the KU Academic Catalog. Published yearly, the academic catalog lists degree requirements for students entering each academic year. Navigate to the School of Engineering in the academic catalog for current degree requirements.
Visit your specific academic year catalog in the archived catalogs for your specific degree requirements, based on the semester you entered KU. Sample degree plans are available here.
Commonly referenced graduate student and undergraduate student regulations are available in the School of Engineering section of the KU Academic Catalog.
KU Planner
KU Planner, powered by Stellic, serves as the new degree audit and degree planning tool for students with a fall 2024 catalog and requirement term. The KU Planner replaces the Degree Progress Report (DPR) for these students to track student progress in meeting their degree requirements.
More information is available from the Office of the University Registrar.
Jayhawk Academic Advising
Your dedicated engineering academic advisor is part of Jayhawk Academic Advising (JAA). Your advisor assignment is listed in Jayhawk GPS. This is where you will sign up for an advising appointment. For general inquiries, contact or
Undergraduate academic advisors are broken down by major or programs advised. For undecided and pre-engineering students, contact your assigned advisor in Jayhawk GPS. If you know your JAA engineering academic advisor already, contact information is below. JAA also holds drop-in advising hours. Engineering students should scroll down to the "Majors" section and find information for Engineering.
Meet Your Advisor
Bridget Bradley, Assistant Director
Advising Appointments
Students need to review their degree requirements from the KU Catalog before their appointment. Look at the upcoming course offerings at the Schedule of Classes to see what will be offered. If there are time conflicts among classes you need, be prepared to ask about this. You should also take the time to create a Degree Progress Report so that you know what courses you have left to take. Students who come adequately prepared for their advising appointments have better conversations with their academic advisor.
Visit your specific academic year catalog in the archived catalogs for your specific degree requirements, based on the semester you entered KU. Sample degree plans are available here.
Students entering KU from fall 2024 forward will use the Planner tool for checking their degree progress.
Before Your Appointment:
- Write down some of your questions ahead of time, and set some goals for what you hope to accomplish in the appointment.
- Run a Degree Progress Report. This highlights what you have completed and what's still needed to earn your major. Your GPA is also listed. Both are located in the myKU portal.
- Login to Enroll & Pay to see if you have any academic holds.
- Check your email! You never know if your advisor will have sent you something to check out before your appointment. You should be checking your KU email several times a day.
- Set an appointment reminder for yourself. If you miss your appointment, depending on the time of year, you might not be able to reschedule quickly.
- Think about how your current semester is going. How are your grades? Do you enjoy your classes so far? Why? These are likely some topics your advisor will discuss with you.
During Your Appointment:
- Take notes! Ask questions!
- Be honest. Academic advisors are there to help you navigate KU, your academics, and any challenges and triumphs while you are here.
- Make sure you have your advisor’s contact information before you leave.
After Your Appointment:
- Read the note your advisor left in Jayhawk GPS. After every appointment, your advisor leaves detailed notes about resources, classes, and anything you may have discussed.
- Follow-up on all suggested resources.
- Check your email. Advisors often send follow-up information straight to your KU email. It's one of the most important ways advisors communicate with students.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your dedicated Engineering academic advisor is part of Jayhawk Academic Advising (JAA). Your advisor assignment is listed in Jayhawk GPS. This is where you will sign up for an advising appointment. For general inquiries, contact or
You will discuss the courses that you need to take for the upcoming session. In addition, you can ask questions about the field of engineering you are going into, about internships, and any struggles you are having with your current classes.
Students can check online in their Student Services Center in Enroll & Pay to see when their “enrollment appointment” is scheduled. Enrollment times are staggered. Typically the order is by year in school. Seniors first, juniors second, etc.
First, logon to Enroll & Pay with your online ID and password. Click on the Enrollment Dates link below the Student Center menu. This is the time the Registrar’s Office allows you to enroll in your classes in Enroll & Pay. You can also access hold information that has been placed on your record. Any holds (advising, parking, library, immunization, etc.) will need to be cleared before you will be permitted to enroll.
Typically, enrollment for the upcoming Spring semester begins right after Fall Break, and enrollment for upcoming Fall courses is right after Spring Break.
Contact the department offering the course (Math department for MATH, Civil Engineering for CE, etc.). If you have trouble getting the classes you need, visit your advisor.
Per Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations, students must take their last 30 hours in residency at KU. Though, students may petition their dean for a waiver of this rule.
If you are planning to transfer a course into KU during your last 30 hours, please submit a 30-Hour Requirement Exception Form before you plan to take the class outside of KU. This form is routed to the School of Engineering Dean for approval.
It is strongly recommended to meet with your advisor before changing your major. After your advising appointment, complete the Change of Engineering Major and Declaration of Concentration Form. Students may also declare a minor with their advisor.
In Jayhawk GPS, you can specify appointment type and add any notes helpful for your academic advisor. This could include discussing graduation, updating your degree plan, adding a minor, etc.
Aerospace Engineering Department (AE)
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Location: 2120 Learned Hall
Contact: 785-864-4267 |
Minor in Biomedical Engineering
Undergraduate Certificate in Bioengineering
Location: 1132 Learned Hall
Contact: 785-864-5258 |
Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Department (C&PE)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
Location: 4132 Learned Hall
Contact: 785-864-4965 |
Civil, Environmental, & Architectural Engineering Department (CEAE)
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Location: 2150 Learned Hall
Contact: 785-864-3766 |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (EECS)
Bachelor of Science in Applied Computing
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity
Location: 2001 Eaton Hall
Contact: 785-864-4620 |
Engineering Physics Program (EPHX)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics
Location: 1082 Malott Hall
Contact: 785-864-4626 |
Mechanical Engineering Department (ME)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Location: 3138 Learned Hall
Contact: 785-864-3181 |