Engineering Computer Labs
The following SOECS labs are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless otherwise posted for special events or occasions.
- 1005 Eaton
- 1010 Eaton
- 1014 Eaton
- 1018 Eaton
- 3101 Learned - ARCE
- 1170 Learned - AE
- 1180 Learned - AE
- 1171 Learned - CEAE
- 1421 LEEP2 - CEAE
- G400 LEEP2 - AE
- 3117 Learned - ME
- 1100 Learned - ME
- 3108 Learned - CPE
- 3108A Learned - CPE
Lab Rules
- No food or drink is allowed in the labs at any time. Violation of this rule may result in account suspension and/or suspension from the KU School of Engineering. The first offense will result in a verbal warning. A second offense will result in the suspension of the user's account for a full day. A third offense will result in the suspension of the user's account for a full week. Any further offenses will result in the removal of the user's account.
- Computers are for academic related work only. In particular, no games, music or movie files, chat programs, or unauthorized applications are allowed on SOECS lab machines. This prohibition includes usage for activities, research, or work related to a commercial enterprise.
- Any attempt to interfere with or defeat security systems on SOECS lab computers will result in penalties up to and including suspension from the School of Engineering.
- User network storage may be used only for academic purposes. SOECS may search or inspect contents of user storage at any time without notice, and delete files that violate lab policy if there is reason to believe that data stored violates SOECS policies.
- Only students, faculty, and staff of the School of Engineering are allowed to use the SOECS labs.
- A user is only permitted to be logged on to one machine at a time with their own account. The user should have a valid KU id to be shown at anytime while using the SOECS lab facilities.
- Be aware that all SOECS labs are monitored by video cameras.