Eaton Hall Emergency Evacuation Plan


1520 W. 15th St 

Lawrence, KS 66045 

Emergency Evacuation Plan


Prepared by: 

Amy Mccurdy, Craig Calixte, Danielle Mccarville, Michael Branicky, Victor Frost 



During certain emergency conditions, it may be necessary to evacuate a building. Examples of such occasions include: smoke/fire, gas leak, bomb threat. Pre-planning and rehearsal are effective ways to ensure that building occupants recognize the evacuation alarm and know how to respond. Practicing an evacuation during a non-emergency drill provides training that will be valuable in an emergency situation. Additional information regarding issues such as weather emergencies, bomb threats, etc., can be found on the KU Lawrence Campus Alerts website


An evacuation may be necessary if there is a power failure, lack of water, hazardous material release, structural damage, bomb threat or other terrorist act, flood, or any other situation that makes the facility unsafe or uninhabitable. An evacuation may be initiated by the fire alarm, by notice from a police or fire official, or by administrative decision. If the fire alarm sounds, or if a Public Safety Officer or fire official gives an evacuation notice, everyone must leave the building. 

  1. All buildings that are designed for human occupancy are required to have evacuation plans and submit such to the University Emergency Manager Coordinator at within six months of plan implementation to be updated annually by January 1. Department and project administrators are responsible to ensure that all people in their building are aware of exit routes and the location of the building Emergency Assembly Area(s). The Building Emergency Evacuation Plan will be updated and maintained by the Building Emergency Liaison and made available to employees for review.
  2. Unless otherwise notified by KU Public Safety or Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical personnel, building occupants may briefly delay evacuating if they need time to shut down electrical and other equipment, especially any that involves flame, explosive vapors, or hazardous materials.
  3. All building occupants will follow instructions issued by KU Public Safety, Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical personnel, and the Building Emergency Liaison.
  4. After exiting the building, occupants are to go directly to their designated Emergency Assembly Area(s) and follow guidance provided by KU Public Safety, Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical personnel, and the Building Emergency Liaison. The building may not be reentered until authorized KU Public Safety, University Fire Marshal or Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical personnel give the "All Clear" instruction.


Evacuation drills shall be conducted at least once annually at unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the unusual conditions that occur should an evacuation be necessary. In accordance with International Fire Code, campus residential facilities are required to have two drills per semester. 

The Building Emergency Liaison shall schedule evacuation drills with the Emergency Management Coordinator at least four weeks prior to a drill. Individuals with personal action plans and evacuation assistants may request the Building Emergency Liaison to arrange additional drills. The Building Emergency Liaison should provide building name and number, date and time of the drill and any assistance they need to complete the evacuation drill. The Emergency Management Coordinator will notify the KU Public Safety Office, University Fire Marshal and Facilities Services of the evacuation drill. 

Evacuation drills shall involve all occupants present at the time of drill. Everyone shall leave the building when the fire alarm sounds. It is advisable to notify persons needing special assistance prior to a planned evacuation drill. 

In the conduct of drills, emphasis shall be placed upon orderly evacuation under proper discipline rather than upon speed. The Building Emergency Liaison is expected to perform the assigned duties as if in an actual emergency situation. The Secondary and Tertiary Building Emergency Liaison's and Building Advisory Committee members may assist in the drill. 

Provisions should be made for timing and evaluating orderliness of each drill. 


Building Name: EA TON HALL 

Building Address: 1520 W. 15th St Lawrence, KS 66045 

Primary Use of Building: Classroom/ Offices 


BEL name: Amy Mccurdy 

BEL email address: 

BEL department: Engineering Administration 

BEL campus telephone no.: 785-864-5348 

BEL emergency telephone nos.: 


SBEL name: Danielle Mccarville 

SBEL email address: 

SBEL department: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science SBEL campus telephone no.: 785-864-4484 

SBEL emergency telephone nos.: 


TBEL name: Craig Calixte 

TBEL email address: 

TBEL department: Engineering Administration 

TBEL campus telephone no.: 785-864-2909 

TBEL emergency telephone nos.: 


  1. Coordinate and facilitate the development, communications, implementation and maintenance of this Building Emergency Evacuation Plan.
  2. Make the Building Emergency Evacuation Plan available for review.
  3. Work with department and project administrators to appoint the Building Advisory Committee.
  4. Serve on the Building Advisory Committee.
  5. Conduct and/or assist in evacuation drills.
  6. Assist in training and/or scheduling of training the building occupants in emergency procedures and evacuation responsibilities. A list of persons needing assistance during an evacuation should be maintained by the Building Emergency Liaison.
  7. Upon request, assist in the development of personal action plans for persons with disabilities.
  8. Serve as a liaison with emergency responders (e.g., Lawrence Douglas Fire and Medical, KU Public Safety, Environmental Health and Safety, University Fire Marshal).
  9. Meet emergency personnel upon their arrival and convey specific information about hazards in the building, access, etc.
  10. Consult with the University Fire Marshal on Emergency Assembly Area site(s).
  11. Maintain communications with the Secondary and Tertiary Building Emergency Liaison's on all matters related to the Building Emergency Evacuation Plan.


  1. In the absence of the Building Emergency Liaison will fulfill the responsibilities of the Building Emergency Liaison. 
  2. Work with department and project administrators to appoint the Building Advisory Committee.
  3. Serve on the Building Advisory Committee.


  1. ln the absence of the Building Emergency Liaison and Secondary Building Emergency Liaison, will fulfill the responsibilities of the Building Emergency Liaison.
  2. Work with department and project administrators to appoint the Building Advisory Committee.
  3. Serve on the Building Advisory Committee.


All department administrators and project representatives within the building are listed below: 

Department/Project NameAdministrator/ RepresentativePhoneRoom
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Victor Frost785-864-44862001G
Engineering Administration Michael Branicky785-864-29301B1



The Building Emergency Liaison, Secondary Building Emergency Liaison and Tertiary Building Emergency Liaison will work with department and project administrators to develop the Building Advisory Committee. 

The Building Advisory Committee provides coordination between the departments and projects within the building. Primary duties include assisting the Building Emergency Liaison in the development, communication, implementation and maintenance of the Building Emergency Evacuation Plan. The Building Advisory Committee will review and update the plan annually or when changes occur. 

The Building Advisory Committee membership includes one representative for each department and project housed in the building. All members are listed below: 

Department/Project NameCommittee MemberWork PhoneEmergency PhoneRoom
Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceDanielle Mccarville785-864-4484785-979-7821 2001H
Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceVictor Frost785-864-4486  2001G
Engineering AdministrationAmyMcCurdy785-864-5348785-840-89321 EAT
Engineering AdministrationCraig Calixte 785-864-2909785-393-96771 EAT
Engineering AdministrationMichael Branicky 785-864-2930  1B1



If the need for an evacuation is discovered, such as fire:

  1. Activate manual fire alarm pull station and exit the building.
  2. After exiting the building, Call 9-1-1 and provide further details to emergency personnel.
  3. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire unless it is small and you have received training in fire extinguisher operations. Do not place yourself or others in unnecessary danger. Information and training is available through the Environmental Health and Safety Department and through the University Fire Marshal.

If you are TRAPPED in the building and cannot find an escape route: 

  • Call 9-1-1 and give your exact location. 


  1. Immediately obey evacuation alarms and orders to evacuate. Tell others to evacuate.
  2. No one may remain inside a building when an evacuation is initiated. (See Section X below for persons needing assistance in an emergency.)
  3. Classes in session must evacuate.
  4. If involved with hazardous research or doing a dangerous procedure, immediately shut down operations that could create additional hazards if left unattended. Evacuate as soon as possible.
  5. Close windows and doors as rooms are vacated.
  6. Proceed calmly but quickly to the nearest emergency exit.
  7. Use stairways to evacuate, if able to do so.
  8. Follow the evacuation route directly to your designated Emergency Assembly Area(s) located at Parking Lot #54 directly South of Eaton Hall. If inclement weather report to the parking garage directly South of Lot #54. Supervisors/managers are responsible for taking roll call.
  9. Do not reenter the building until authorized KU Public Safety, University Fire Marshal or Lawrence Douglas County Fire and Medical personnel give the "All Clear" instruction. In the event that the building cannot be occupied for an extended period of time, additional direction will be provided by University administration.


University procedures require all people, including those with disabilities or other conditions, to evacuate a facility when the fire alarm is activated or when otherwise instructed to do so. Depending on the facility and the type of disability at issue, a person with a disability or other conditions may have the following evacuation options.

Horizontal Evacuation

  • Moving away from the area of imminent danger to a safe distance (i.e., another wing, adjoining building, opposite end of corridor, outside to ground level).


Vertical (or Stairway) Evacuation

  • Stairways can be used by those who are able to evacuate with or without assistance. People with visual disabilities may require the assistance of a sighted person. People who must use crutches or other devices such as walking aids will need to use their own discretion, when determining to use stairways, especially where several flights of stairs are concerned.


Vertical (Emergency Exit Elevator) Evacuation

  • Elevators designated as "Emergency Exit Elevators" approved for use by the University Fire Marshal can be used by people with disabilities or other conditions needing assistance to evacuate. Personal action plans should include a list of buildings with designated "Emergency Exit Elevators." A list of designated "Emergency Exit Elevators" is located on the KU Public Safety Office website under Personal Action Plans. A sign adjacent to each landing at any of the Emergency Exit Elevators notifies occupant's availability of elevator.
  • In the event an elevator or "Emergency Exit Elevator" is shut down because it is affected by fire, utilize alternate routes designated in your emergency plan, including staying in your office or room and contacting 9-1-1.

Moving to an Area of Refuge or Rescue Assistance Area(s) or Refuge

  • Some buildings on campus have been designed to have Area of Refuge or Rescue Assistance Area(s) or Refuge(s) which includes communication devices to a monitored location. Refer to the Building's Emergency Floor Plans located at each exit to determine whether or not the building has an Area of Refuge(s) or Rescue Assistance Area(s) or Refuge(s) and, if so, the location(s). The following buildings have Area of Refuge or Rescue Assistance Area or Refuge locations:


BuildingLocationOther Instructions
Murphy HallSouth wing onlySee evacuation floor plan
Strong Hall All (3) three enclosed stairs.Not Applicable 
Memorial Stadium Press boxNot Applicable 
Allen FieldhouseSouth elevator onlyNot Applicable 
Malott Hall Designated stairwellsSee evacuation floor plan

These areas are identified to rescue personnel as likely areas for individuals to locate in the event they are unable to evacuate a building. People needing evacuation assistance should familiarize themselves with these locations. Additional information about the locations of these areas may be obtained by contacting the facility's Building Emergency Liaison or the Office of Design and Construction Management. 

Use of Elevator 

  • No elevator should be used unless it is an EXIT ELEVATOR. 

Staying in Place

  • Individuals with disabilities or other conditions which do not allow them to evacuate with others, should include in their personal action plan the specific location of their "Stay in Place" (i.e., office, resident hall room, classrooms).

Remain in a room with an exterior window and a telephone. Close the door, if possible. Individuals staying in place should CALL 9-1-1, if this hasn't been done already. The dispatcher will assist by notifying on-scene emergency personnel of the location of a person with disability or other condition who needs evacuation assistance. If the telephone lines fail, the individual can signal when possible from the window by waving a cloth or other visible object. It is the responsibility of every member of the University community to immediately communicate to emergency personnel the location of individuals who are unable to evacuate. Individuals using the "Stay in Place" option must provide their location in their personal action plan. 

Alert Systems

  • The University recommends that all University faculty, students, and employees, including people with disabilities and other conditions, register with the KU text message alert system to receive KU Alert text message. Please note that the actual fire alert is not part of this text messaging system.