LEEP2 Active-Learning Classrooms
The new LEEP2 facility includes six state-of-the-art active-learning classrooms that will open in July, 2015. There are three active-learning classrooms that seat 60 students, as well as a 90-person, a 120-person, and a 160-person classroom.
Each of the six classrooms was carefully designed to facilitate active learning and team-based approaches to student learning during in-class time. The rooms are structured so that course instructors and teaching assistants can effectively work with individual students and student teams while they engage in in-class activities such as problem sets, design projects, or experiments.
Five of the classrooms (the three 60-person, the 90-person, and the 120-person rooms) are structured such that they include oval tables that seat groups of six students. Each table includes multi-media hookups for student laptops and other electronic devices; an ELMO projector for student teams to share their work via projection; a microphone for student voice projection; and an LCD screen that can be used to either view the same content as projected throughout the room, or to project content from a student laptop/device at the table.

The 160-person classroom is structured such that it includes round tables with large LCD panels mounted around the classroom perimeter. Each table seats nine students, with the intention of accommodating student team-work on problem-solving or other active learning tasks. Each table also includes an ELMO, microphone, and digital hookups for student devices.