Regional MATHCOUNTS Competition Winners Announced

Mon, 02/13/2006


Hal Dale Beckerman

Mathletes compete at the 2006 Topeka Regional MATHCOUNTS competition

The 23nd annual MATHCOUNTS Topeka Regional Competition was held on Saturday, Feb. 11, at the University of Kansas School of Engineering. Seventh- and eighth-grade students from eight area schools competed in a timed mathematics competition that emphasizes both individual and team skills. Volunteers from the Kansas Society of Professional Engineers together with faculty and students from the KU School of Engineering administered, proctored and scored the competition.

The top finishing teams were:

1st Place

— Topeka Collegiate School, Topeka; Phyllis Hoyt, coach, and David McCoy, assistant coach; team members: Nicky Henriquez, Daniel Kennedy, Sarah Padgett, and David Wang.

2nd Place

— Washburn Rural Middle School, Topeka; Betsy Wiens, coach, and Jo Marie Rozzelle, assistant coach; team members: Teddy Christensen, Dylan Davis, Sam Ho, and Hyunjee Kwak.

3rd Place

— Shawnee Heights Middle School, Tecumseh; Stacey Bell, coach; team members: Anton Bovin, Rian Brown, Dustin Mulligan, and Eric Strand.

The top finishing individuals were:

1st Place

— Sam Ho, Washburn Rural Middle School, Topeka

2nd Place

— David Wang, Topeka Collegiate School, Topeka

3rd Place

— Dylan Davis, Washburn Rural Middle School, Topeka

4th Place

— Eric Strand, Shawnee Heights Middle School, Tecumseh

5th Place

— Hyunjee Kwak, Washburn Rural Middle School, Topeka

6th Place

— Dustin Mulligan, Shawnee Heights Middle School, Tecumseh

The top four individuals were each awarded a $1,000 scholarship by the KU School of Engineering if they enroll in an engineering or computer science degree program through the school.

These teams and individuals will advance to the Kansas MATHCOUNTS Competition on March 11 at the Salina Bicentennial Center. MATHCOUNTS is a national mathematics enrichment, coaching and competition program that increases enthusiasm for and enhances achievement in middle schools throughout the United States.

Founding Sponsors of MATHCOUNTS are: National Society of Professional Engineers; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and CNA Foundation. National Sponsors are: ADC Foundation; General Motors Foundation; Lockheed Martin; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Northrop Grumman Foundation; Raytheon Company; Shell Oil Company; Texas Instruments Incorporated; 3M Foundation; and Xerox Corporation.

MATHCOUNTS in Kansas is sponsored by the Engineers' Foundation of Kansas.


Mon, 02/13/2006


Hal Dale Beckerman