Bioengineering Day Set For Feb. 3

Tue, 01/23/2007


Hal Dale Beckerman

Prominent academic, business and research leaders from the region will gather in the Kansas Union on Feb. 3, 2007, for the first regional Bioengineering Day coordinated by the University of Kansas School of Engineering.

The event will provide opportunities for networking as well as explore how bioengineering affects people throughout the region. Topics include bioengineering’s impact on education, industry, science and technology, and economic development in the Heartland.

The program will start with a continental breakfast at 8:15 a.m. at the Kansas Union. The morning session features several presentations in Alderson Auditorium. Scheduled presenters include KTEC President Tracy Taylor; Angela Kreps, president of KansasBio; Paulette Spencer, distinguished professor and director of bioengineering research at KU; Joni Cobb, president of KTEC Pipeline; and many more. 

Lunch will be provided for all participants and will be followed by an afternoon session that includes networking opportunities and bioengineering research poster presentations.

Tue, 01/23/2007


Hal Dale Beckerman