Jayhawk Motorsports to Offer Sneak Peek to Corporates

Tue, 02/27/2007


Hal Dale Beckerman

The internationally recognized Jayhawk Motorsports team at the University of Kansas invites alumni and interested corporations to get involved with its first ever Jayhawk Motorsports Corporate Invitational March 8.

Attendees will have the opportunity to see a multimedia presentation about the formula-style racecar, get a sneak peek of the lab where the car is built and interact with the team members in a casual dining setting.

The 24-member team designs and builds a single seat formula-style racecar from scratch and races it in the annual Society of Automotive Engineers Formula Car Challenge.

In 2006, team members secured a fourth place finish out of 140 teams worldwide, their finest finish to date. Their success didn't stop there. The team also attended the FSAE West competition at the California Speedway in Fontana, Calif., where team members placed first in the autocross event and 15th overall. They continue to be the only team in the world to complete all events in the static and dynamic competitions of the SAE Formula Car challenge for the last six years.

The Jayhawk Motorsports team has finished the 2007 formula-style car 3D design and began construction, which is expected to continue through March. In order to continue the tradition of success, the Jayhawk Motorsports team appreciates donations of any kind to cover parts, testing and travel expenses.

Tue, 02/27/2007


Hal Dale Beckerman