Applications Due for Leadership Challenge Workshop for Students

Mon, 10/29/2007


Hal Dale Beckerman

Students at the Leadership Challenge

Leadership Challenge targets students at the sophomore and junior level in the University of Kansas School of Engineering and School of Business with the goal of helping them build their leadership potential. Leadership Challenge takes place Jan. 15-16, 2008, prior to the start of spring semester classes. Representatives from several major employers also will take part in the workshop and will have opportunities to network with students as well as help students identify how certain leadership and communication skills play out in the workplace. The workshop, led by professional presenter Denny Faurote, features interactive tasks that promote learning and networking.

Although the focus is on students at the sophomore and junior level, all students who will not graduate before December 2008 from the business or engineering schools are eligible to apply. Fifty students, 25 from each school, will be selected for the program. Students will be notified of their status by mid-December.

Mon, 10/29/2007


Hal Dale Beckerman