Alumni Invited to Homecoming Tailgate

Fri, 10/17/2008


Hal Dale Beckerman

KU Marching Band prepares to enter Memorial Stadium prior to kickoff

“Hail to the Hawks!” Engineering and Computer Science alumni of the KU School of Engineering are invited to join the festivities at the University of Kansas Homecoming game, Saturday, Oct. 25, at Memorial Stadium.

All alumni are invited to take part in the most important meal of the day at the School of Engineering tailgate tent on the Hill prior to the early day kickoff. Beginning at 9 a.m., School of Engineering faculty, staff and members of some student organizations will be around to meet with alumni and begin building the KU game-day spirit. A hearty breakfast buffet will be available for up to 200 guests for $5 per plate/trip. Guests may register in advance at the KU Alumni Association, or the day of the event.

Faculty, staff and students of the KU School of Engineering will be on hand to greet alumni and build up the game day spirit

Because the tent is within the official KU designated tailgate area, responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted for adults who bring their own libations.




It is not necessary to have tickets to the KU vs. Texas Tech game (11 a.m. kickoff) to attend the tailgate. For football ticket availability, please contact KU Athletics.

Fri, 10/17/2008


Hal Dale Beckerman