KU Names Search Advisory Committee for Dean of Engineering

Thu, 06/28/2012


Shervin Mansouri

The KU School of Engineering Campus


LAWRENCE – University of Kansas Provost Jeff Vitter on June 27 announced the search advisory committee to find a new dean for the School of Engineering.

Stuart Bell, dean of engineering since 2002, will step down at the end of July to become the executive vice chancellor and provost at Louisiana State University.

Ken Audus, dean of the KU School of Pharmacy, will chair the committee. The committee will conduct a nationwide search.

Other committee members are:

  • Mary Adams: undergraduate student in civil, environmental, and architectural engineering
  • Perry Alexander: professor, electrical engineering and computer science: director, Information and Telecommunication Technology Center
  • Cory Berkland: professor, chemical and petroleum engineering/pharmaceutical chemistry
  • Florence Boldridge: director of Diversity and Women's Engineering Programs
  • JoAnn Browning: associate dean and professor, civil, environmental, and architectural engineering
  • Scott Coons: Engineering Advisory Board, president and CEO of Perceptive Software; KU Engineering alumnus
  • Christopher Depcik: assistant professor, mechanical engineering
  • Lisa Friis: associate professor, mechanical engineering
  • Prasad Gogineni: distinguished professor, electrical engineering and computer science; director, NSF Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets
  • Mary Lee Hummert: vice provost for faculty development
  • Dennis Lane: distinguished professor, civil, environmental, and architectural engineering; associate director, KU Transportation Research Institute
  • Jim Lewis: Engineering Advisory Board, chief administrative officer of Black & Veatch; KU Engineering alumnus
  • Linda Ellis Sims: Engineering Advisory Board, ExxonMobil Corporation (retired); KU Engineering alumnus
  • Leslie Smith: doctoral student and Self Graduate Fellow, aerospace engineering
  • Bala Subramaniam: distinguished professor, chemical and petroleum engineering; director, Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis
  • ZJ Wang: Spahr Professor and chair, aerospace engineering
  • Steve Warren: vice chancellor for research and graduate studies
  • Laurence Weatherley: Spahr Professor and chair, chemical and petroleum engineering

The committee will be assisted by Baker and Associates of Marietta, Ga.

Distinguished Professor of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Stan Rolfe has been selected to serve a 1-year term as interim dean until the nationwide search is complete and a new dean is announced.

Learn more about at the search



Thu, 06/28/2012


Shervin Mansouri