Go-Kart Giveaway to Build Awareness for Hybrid Technologies

Mon, 09/24/2012


Shervin Mansouri

Go-Kart Giveaway

The University of Kansas School of Engineering is offering an opportunity for one Kansas high school to get an exhilarating, hands-on learning experience.

The KU School of Engineering is giving away a parallel hybrid go-kart, designed during the spring 2012 semester by the KU EcoHawks, a group of engineering students focused on developing sustainable approaches to energy infrastructure and the automobile. Here is a video about the project

“From vehicle design, small engine design to alternative fuels and green technologies, this is a wonderful opportunity for students get a truly great, first-hand learning experience,” said Chris Depcik, assistant professor of mechanical engineering and EcoHawks faculty adviser. Depcik devised the giveaway as an exciting way to increase interest among high school students in alternative energy and the so-called STEM fields: science, technology, engineering and math.

“We hope this will be a showcase for the possibilities that exist in engineering and spark a genuine interest in this exciting field of study,” he said.

A group of high schools was invited to submit proposals for how their students would utilize the go-kart, how it would be used in the curriculum to promote STEM disciplines and how it would help students learn about STEM subjects and sustainability. The winning entry will be selected in early 2013.

High school teachers and counselors who would like to know more about the giveaway and how to participate should contact Chad Sisk, recruitment coordinator, by

email or at 785-864-3881.


Mon, 09/24/2012


Shervin Mansouri