Flapjacks for Philanthropy Seeks Beneficiary

Mon, 01/28/2013


Shervin Mansouri

Coordinators of the annual spring fundraising pancake feed at the University of Kansas School of Engineering are seeking nominations for this year’s beneficiary.

In recent years, Flapjacks for Philanthropy, organized by students in the Self Engineering Leadership Fellows Program, has donated more than $1,000 to a nonprofit organization.  A few of the previous beneficiaries have included Camp Mitiog, Just Food and GaDuGi Safe Center.

To suggest a potential beneficiary, go to 

The deadline to nominate an organization is Feb. 11, 2013.  

This year’s Flapjacks for Philanthropy will be from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 20, in the KU Engineering Complex.  All are welcome to attend and gorge on delicious all-you-can-eat pancakes.  More details will follow as the date of the event approaches.

Mon, 01/28/2013


Shervin Mansouri