Boeing Environmental Director to Share Outlook

Wed, 03/27/2013


Shervin Mansouri

Jeanne Yu to deliver SELF Lecture 2013

The director of environmental performance for Boeing Commercial Airplanes will speak with students at the University of Kansas in April.

Jeanne Yu, a 24-year veteran of Boeing, will share her perspectives on developing aircraft systems that are environmentally progressive at the SELF Lecture Series at 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 2, in the Spahr Engineering Classroom, 2 Eaton Hall.  The event is free and open to the public.

As director of environmental performance, Yu also leads the team responsible for the innovative ecoDemonstrator Program, which allows flight-testing of emerging green technologies.

In her previous position as senior manager, Environmental Performance Strategy, Yu led a team responsible for product development, environmental technology improvements for emissions, aircraft emissions and energy; noise, cabin environment, materials and processes and airports. 

Additional Boeing assignments have included leading the cabin environment strategy multi-functional team to “provide a safe, healthy, comfortable cabin environment for passengers and crew” by working together on comprehensive fundamental research to pioneer technology advancements.

YU was featured in the book “Changing Our World: True Stories of Women Engineers” by Sybil Hatch.

The SELF Lecture Series is coordinated by the Self Engineering Leadership Fellows Program in the KU School of Engineering and brings industry leaders to KU to discuss their corporate and entrepreneurial experiences.

Wed, 03/27/2013


Shervin Mansouri