Engineering and Computing Career Fair is Sept. 18

Thu, 09/05/2013


Shervin Mansouri

Two Employeers at the Engineering and Computing Career Fair

A wonderful opportunity to make connections for that dream job or ideal internship awaits students who attend the University of Kansas Engineering and Computing Career Fair, planned for noon to 5 p.m., Sept.18, on the 5th and 6th floors of the Kansas Union. More than 140 companies are registered. Students should review the complete list of employers and study up on those of interest prior to arriving.

The career fair is open to all KU students, but employers will primarily focus on making connections with students in engineering and the hard sciences. Students can gather information about a wide variety of companies, network with industry leaders, and learn about potential internship and employment opportunities. Students should dress professionally and bring multiple copies of their resume to share with prospective employers.

For more on what to expect and what employers are looking for, check out this video from an earlier Engineering and Computing Career Fair.

Students are also encouraged to register for Evening With Industry, set for 6 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 17, in the Kansas Union Ballroom. This annual event, hosted by the Society of Women Engineers, allows students an opportunity to enjoy a meal and interact with representatives from leading corporations. The event is intended for all engineering students (undergraduate through Masters/Ph.D.) in all disciplines. The deadline to register is Thursday, Sept. 12. The cost is $5 for SWE members and $15 for non-members.

Thu, 09/05/2013


Shervin Mansouri