2016 Engineering Recognition Ceremony 8 a.m., Saturday, May 14, 2016 Allen Fieldhouse

Allen Fieldhouse seating

The University of Kansas School of Engineering Recognition Ceremony will be from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Saturday, May 14, at Allen Fieldhouse, 1651 Naismith Drive. The event honors students who have applied to graduate during the spring and summer semesters. A reception for graduates, their family and friends, faculty and staff will take place immediately after the ceremony at LEEP2 and the engineering lawn at the Engineering Complex, 1536 W. 15th Street.

It’s a great day made even more joyous when we all know what to expect.

The event starts promptly at 8 a.m. Tickets for guests are not required. Special seating has been reserved for guests with limited mobility; however, to ensure all guests with mobility concerns are accommodated, we ask that parties limit their use of reserved seating to those who need it and one additional companion. Guests who can comfortably use stairs are encouraged to seat themselves higher. Those who have not already done so should please email the School of Engineering of guests with special needs.

The School of Education ceremony begins shortly after the conclusion of the School of Engineering ceremony. To better accommodate all KU graduates, guests are asked to meet their graduate at the reception area.

Parking is available near Allen Fieldhouse and all parking on campus is free throughout the weekend.


Parking map

Guests are encouraged to use Lots 54, 72 and the parking garage to the north of Allen Fieldhouse. A limited number of additional parking spaces will be available in Lot 112 and Lot 127 to the south of Hoglund Ballpark. Handicap parking spaces are available in Lot 70 and Lot 71 immediately south of Allen Fieldhouse. Additionally, Allen Fieldhouse Drive will be open to allow drop-off of friends and family with limited mobility. 

All guests are welcome to attend a reception for the graduates at LEEP2 and the engineering lawn at the Engineering Complex immediately following the ceremony.  Refreshments will be served in the courtyard outside the LEEP2 first floor entrance. Guests with limited mobility have multiple options for accessing this area. Access is available by entering LEEP2 on the ground floor, taking the elevator to 1S and exiting to the courtyard through the east doors on the first floor. Guests can also enter Eaton Hall, take the elevator to the first floor and exit through north doors to the courtyard. See this map for more details.

The ceremony will be streamed live with closed captioning on the school of engineering website for those unable to attend.

Learn more about other KU Commencement weekend events

Rock Chalk!