Abir Haque

Abir Haque
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Year: Sophomore
  • Research Faculty Mentor: Dr. Suzanne Shontz

Contact Info


What is the focus of your research as part of the Undergraduate Research Fellows Program?

My focus is developing a scalable parallelization of a finite element-based mesh warping algorithm utilizing hybrid parallelism.

What is your favorite part of the Undergraduate Research Fellows program?

My favorite part of the program is being able to connect with other talented undergraduate researchers from various disciplines. The interdisciplinary environment provided by the program is extremely unique and beneficial to developing myself as a strong researcher.

What are your future academic and professional plans?

My academic goals are to pursue a PhD in Computer Science. Professionally, I intend to pursue industry research at a leading technology company after I finish my PhD. Later in my career, I hope to pursue a tenure track professor position at a university where I can contribute meaningful computing research and teach the next generation of scientists and engineers.