Amanda Hertel

- Major: Chemical Engineering
- Classification: Junior, Graduation Year: 2022
- Faculty Mentor: Dr. Prajna Dhar
Contact Info
Biography —
What is the focus of your research as part of the Undergraduate Research Fellows Program?
The focus of my research is on investigating how tau protein and tau phosphorylated mutants aggregate and insert into lipid membranes in relation to Alzheimer's disease.
What do you enjoy most about conducting undergraduate research?
My favorite part of undergraduate research is the ability to explore a single project in-depth. It's exciting being able to ask questions and attempt to answer them through literature review and experiments.
Have you been able to present your research or publish articles based on your research? If so, where?
I have had the opportunity to publish an article in the peer-reviewed journal Molecules. I have also presented posters of my research at the University of Kansas Undergraduate Research Symposium and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Student Conference.
What are your future academic and professional plans?
After graduation, I hope to attend medical school and eventually become a physician.