Darene Essa

- Major: Mechanical Engineering
- Classification: Junior, May 2022
- Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chris Depcik
Contact Info
Biography —
What is the focus of your research as part of the Undergraduate Research Fellows Program?
The focus of my project is around low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants and their use in the air conditioning systems of cars.
What do you enjoy most about conducting undergraduate research?
My favorite part of research is the discovery aspect of it. This includes finding all the information you need from various research papers as well as expanding your breadth of knowledge in one specific subject. Then it is translating that information and applying it to your research. At beginning this task may seem tedious, however, the more time you spend on a project, the better a researcher becomes at finding the information they need.
Have you been able to present your research or publish articles based on your research? If so, where?
I am currently assisting Dr. Depcik in writing the paper and hope to have it published by the end of this semester.
What are your future academic and professional plans?
My future academic and professional plans are to pursue a graduate degree that focuses on sustainability and its importance in design, manufacturing and construction.