Jacob Hammil

- Major: Mechanical Engineering with a Business Minor
- Classification: Senior, May 2021
- Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anil Misra
Contact Info
Biography —
What is the focus of your research as part of the Undergraduate Research Fellows Program?
My focus is on Additive Manufacturing Challenges for Complex Granular Structures
What did you enjoy most about conducting undergraduate research?
I enjoy getting to apply what I learn inside and outside of the classroom to real life challenges. Opportunities to do some hands-on learning is another one of my favorite parts about doing undergraduate research.
Were you able to present your research or publish articles based on your research? If so, where?
I was able to present my research at the ASME IMECE Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah November 2019 as well as the KU Engineering and university wide Research Symposiums throughout the year.
What are your future academic and professional plans?
My future professional plans are to pursue a career in the Research and Development sector of the Additive Manufacturing industry.