Jicong "Jack" Shi

- Director of Engineering Physics Program
- Professor
- Physics & Astronomy
Contact Info
1251 Wescoe Hall Dr.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
2002-present: Associate Professor, University of Kansas
1997-2002: Assistant Professor, University of Kansas
Education —
Research —
My research interest is in beam dynamics, accelerator physics, nonlinear dynamics, and computational physics. Currently our research is aimed at bringing new methods of nonlinear analysis for an understanding of the nonlinear motion of beam particles in particle accelerators. Our research has been continuously supported by the US Department of Energy. We are also collaborating with many beam-dynamics groups in national and international accelerator laboratories such as Fermilab, BNL, LBL, JLab, CERN, and DESY.
Selected Publications —
J. Shi and J. Wu, “Elastic Model for Self-organized Impurity Nanorod Arrays in Epitaxial YBCO Film”, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2011).
J. Shi, M.D. Alenezy, I.V. Smirnova, and M. Bilgen, “A Two-Parameter Analyti-cal Model for Describing Left Ventricular Wall Motion”, submitted to Physics in Medicine and Biology (2010).
R. Lu, J. Shi, J. Baca and J.Z.Wu, “High Performance Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Bolometers”, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 84305 (2010).
“The Gain and Fidelity of Transmission Patterns at Cortical Excitatory Unitary Synapses”, J.H. Wang, J. Wei, X. Chen, N. Chen, J. Yu, and J. Shi, J. Cell Sci.121, 2951-2960 (2008).
“Method of Perturbative-PIC Simulation for Interactions between a Bunch and Its Synchrotron Radiation”, J. Shi and G.H. Hoffstetter, in Proc. of the 2007 U.S. Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, (2007).
“Coherent Instability of Weak-Strong Beam-Beam Interactions”, J. Shi and L. Jin, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A568, 566 (2006).
“Observation of Long-Range Beam-Beam Effect in RHIC and Plans for Compen-sation”, W. Fischer, et al., Proc. of the 10th European Particle Accelerator Con-ference, Edinburgh, June 2006.
“Study of Beam-Beam Effects in eRHIC with Self-Consistent Beam-Beam Simula-tion”, J. Shi, L. Jin, and F. Wang, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A555, 6 (2005).
“Strong-Strong Simulation Study for theWire Compensation of Long-Range Beam-Beam Effect in LHC”, L. Jin and J. Shi, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A550, 6 (2005).
“Coherent Beam-Beam Tune Shift of Unsymmetrical Beam-Beam Interactions with Large Beam-Beam Parameter”, L. Jin, J. Shi, and G.H. Hoffstaetter, Phys. Rev. E71, 036501 (2005).
Awards & Honors —
1992: SSC National Fellow