Luke Bobo

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Biography —
Luke Bobo serves as director of strategic partnerships for Made to Flourish and brings a rich blend of experience, having worked for 15 years in the marketplace as an electrical engineer before pursuing an M.Div. (Covenant Theological Seminary) and Ph.D. (University of Missouri-St. Louis), and eventually serving as the executive director of the Francis Schaeffer Institute at Covenant Seminary. Luke also holds a B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri-Columbia, respectively.
Luke spent time as a professor of religious studies at Lindenwood University (St. Charles, MO) and wrote curriculum for a workplace ministry. Luke is a visiting instructor at two seminaries, Covenant Seminary (St. Louis, MO) and Meachum School of Haymanot (St. Louis, MO). He is also the author of several books including, Living Salty and Light Filled Lives in the Workplace, A Layperson’s Guide to Biblical Interpretation: A Means to Know the Personal God, and Race, Economics and Apologetics: Is There a Connection? Luke has also co-authored the following books, Discipleship With Monday in Mind and Worked Up: Navigating Calling After College. He has written several articles and has spoken domestically and internationally. He sits on several boards including Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute & Theological Seminary, Center for Public Justice, and Windrider Institute.
He is married to Rita S. Holmes-Bobo (KU School of Business, MBA, B.S.) and they have two wonderful adult children, Briana Amber (Indiana University, School of Journalism, B.A.) and Caleb Avery (KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, B.A., Political Science).