Nathan Fortner

- Building Complex Manager
Contact Info
1532 W. 15th St
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Makes sure that the buildings and everything in them are functioning properly and being maintained.
Contact about issues including, but not limited to: Lights out, power issues, plumbing issues, fire alarms, spills, cleanliness of common areas and classrooms, broken tables/chairs in common areas and classrooms, heating and cooling, deliveries, elevators not working, lab safety issues, building emergencies, etc.
In charge of card access for doors in Engineering complex on main campus and Structural Testing and Student Project Facility on West Campus. Sets the doors to lock and unlock at specific times and can schedule them to be open for specific events in Engineering buildings.
Responsible for Eaton Hall, Learned Hall, LEEP2, M2SEC, Spahr Library, Structural Testing and Student Project Facility (West Campus), and the Hill Research Facililty (West Campus).