Nicholas Georgiou

- Major: Engineering Physics
- Year: Sophomore
- Research Faculty Mentor: Dr. Haiyang Chao
Contact Info
Biography —
What is the focus of your research as part of the Undergraduate Research Fellows Program?
Implementing an RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) Sensor on UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems).
What is your favorite part of the Undergraduate Research Fellows program?
My favorite aspect lies in the stark contrast between conducting research and attending classes. While some skills acquired in classes seamlessly transition into the lab environment, the true allure lies in the absence of 'cookie-cutter' solutions, unlike the structured nature of classroom exercises. Engaging in research has exposed me to a wealth of previously uncharted knowledge, surpassing the scope of my formal education. Moreover, I've acquired proficiency in handling advanced laboratory equipment that once seemed intimidating and beyond my reach. All in all, this experience has been a captivating journey of intellectual growth and hands-on learning, enriching my academic pursuits in remarkable ways.
What are your future academic and professional plans?
In shaping my future academic and professional path, my vision encompasses both a continuation of my current research endeavors and the pursuit of valuable internships. The opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of Dr. Chao has been truly humbling and enlightening. However, I am equally eager to explore the practical aspects of the industry and gain insights into how it operates.