Ronaldo Nick Nicholson

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Biography —
With vast technical knowledge, extensive experience in infrastructure project delivery, a commitment to public service and a humble demeanor, Ronaldo “Nick” Nicholson has established a sterling reputation as a leader with a unique ability to bring stakeholders together and build consensus on large, complex transportation challenges. Over his career spanning nearly 40 years, Nicholson has personally supervised and mentored many engineers who have become industry leaders and agency administrators in various public works departments around the country.
Nicholson earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Kansas in 1983 and a Master’s in structural engineering from George Washington in 1991. He spent more than 30 years in the public sector, working for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Fairfax County Department of Public Works, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and the District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT). He accepted a Vice President position at Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. (PTG) in 2014. At each stop along the way, Nicholson has displayed impeccable leadership to build teams and work toward a common goal.
Nicholson has overseen implementation of National Environmental Policy Act guidelines and other regulatory project approvals at the federal and state levels. He has developed strategies, implemented alternative delivery methods on major transportation projects and programs, and administered design-build and public-private partnership contracts of up to $2.5 billion. He championed innovative methods that allow state entities to leverage smaller sums of money and get projects built more quickly — leading to accelerated community development and overall growth.
As Vice President and Senior Program/Operations Manager at PTG, Nicholson leads the company’s highway and bridge design teams in Virginia and Washington, D.C. He supervises more than 70 employees and has contributed directly to technically challenging and politically sensitive infrastructure improvement projects, such as the Woodrow Wilson Bridge replacement over the Potomac River, transformation of the South Capitol Street Corridor and re-introduction of DC Streetcar in northeast Washington, D.C. and the Elizabeth River Tunnel and Hampton Road Bridge Tunnel project in Hampton Roads, Virginia.
The Elizabeth River Tunnels project is a shining example of Nicholson’s ability to grasp every aspect of a project and then to build relationships and identify opportunities to bring communities together for the benefit all stakeholders.
Three major parts of the project were bundled as a single, 58-year public-private partnership valued at $2.1 billion. As project principal, Nicholson oversaw all aspects of design and construction, including engineering design reviews, environmental permits and mitigation, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, traffic management, public affairs, safety, construction management, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise outreach and financial management. Construction on all components of the project was successfully completed by mid-2017 and is of immense strategic and economic value.
Another career highlight is Nicholson’s leadership on the award-winning Woodrow Wilson Bridge replacement that improved multi-modal connectivity, uplifted communities and enhanced quality of life in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. Nicholson was instrumental in financial planning, development and design, environmental mitigation, construction contract administration and claims resolution.
His leadership on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge project helped VDOT receive national and international recognition. In 2009, VDOT received the International Bridge Conference Gustav Lindenthal Medal. In 2008, the organization received the Outstanding Projects and Leaders (OPAL) Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the America Transportation Award from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). In 2010, AASHTO honored Nicholson as a Trailblazer in Civil Rights for his innovations to achieve Disadvantaged Business Enterprise compliance on MegaProjects in Virginia.
Nicholson also serves as President of the Alexandria-Fairfax Kappa Scholarship Endowment Fund. This 501c foundation supports the educational pursuits of African-American males in Northern Virginia. The non-profit organization provides $20,000 in annual scholarships and facilitates the funding of summer camps, mentorship programs and other philanthropic endeavors for at-risk youth in the Washington metropolitan area.
Nicholson has also served as a steering committee member for the Design-Build Institute of America and AASHTO’s Standing Committee on Highways, Sub-Committee on Structures and Bridges and Technical T-20 on Tunnels. He is a National Capital Section Member of ASCE. He’s also stayed connected with his alma mater, delivering the KU School of Engineering’s 7th Annual J. A. Tiberti Family Lecture in 2017 and the KU IHAWKe EPIC lecture in 2019.
However, after becoming a single parent when his wife and fellow Jayhawker Donalisa succumbed to a rare form of lupus in 1998, Nick’s most rewarding accomplishment was raising his two beautiful and talented daughters, Beanca and Shelbie into independent and loving young women.