Current Graduate Students

Research and Graduate Programs Unit Overview
The mission of the Research & Graduate Programs unit (RGP), within the School of Engineering Dean’s Office, is to support engineering faculty, staff and students and to ensure the academic quality of the graduate degree programs. RGP provides guidance and training to departments and students on school and university policy, documents graduate student milestones, processes petitions for exceptions to policy, and manages the General Research Fund Awards.
RGP works with the Engineering Career Center and Diversity Programs to track national news and scholarly research pertaining to graduate education and seeks to strengthen communications and sharing of best practices across all engineering graduate programs.
RGP provides direct administrative and advising support—including support of recruitment, retention, professional development and public outreach—for the engineering graduate programs on the Lawrence Campus.
RGP works closely with KU’s Office of Graduate Studies, seeking their assistance in the interpretation of graduate policy, providing verification and documentation of degree completion, and providing feedback on processes and practices within the School of Engineering.

Frequently Asked Questions
RGP is a unit within the School of Engineering Dean’s Office, that works with department and program faculty, staff and all graduate students to meet the goals and requirements of the university and the school. RGP offices are located in Eaton Hall, room 1.
This is the university office in charge of all graduate programs at KU. This is the main office for all university policies and procedures for graduate study. Students should route questions about graduate programs in the following way: department staff or advisor > School of Engineering dean’s staff (RGP) > KU Graduate Studies Office.
Students should start with their department's program assistant and advisor/director or RGP staff for information on university rules and regulations relating to: time to degree, academic progress, probation or academic misconduct, enrollment requirements, doctoral candidacy requirements, degree requirements, plan of study and all student services related information.
If you have not enrolled at all, you may be required to late enroll by completing a paper enrollment form found in your main engineering department or program office. If you are enrolled and you are trying to add hours, you may be able to add courses online through Enroll & Pay, or you may need to complete a paper Schedule Change Form found on the Registrar’s website. This form requires multiple signatures. Note: Late fees are only assessed if you are not enrolled in any credit hours by the start of classes – as long as you are enrolled in something by the start of classes you should not receive a late enrollment fee.
Students who miss the regular graduation deadline at the end of any given semester, are eligible for the early graduation deadline (without having to enroll) for the following semester. If you miss the early deadline in a given semester, you are required to enroll and will then have until the regular semester graduation deadline to complete your degree requirements. All graduation planning should be completed well in advance of the deadline and students are encouraged to check-in with their department or program assistant or RGP to discuss graduation plans.
This ceremony takes place each fall and spring semester (May&Dec). Participants will dress in cap and gown regalia, walk across a stage and be recognized by the dean and other administrators as an engineering graduate. This ceremony is for all engineering graduates (undergraduate and graduate students). More information can be found on our graduation page.
This ceremony is for all KU graduates (undergraduate and graduate students) for the entire academic year. This ceremony takes place annually in the spring semester each year. More information about this ceremony can be found on the Commencement webpage.
If you need to take a break from your academic career, you are required to take a leave of absence or voluntarily discontinue the program. Students may take a leave if they plan to return to their studies and may take up to a year off at a time by sending a request to their departmental or program assistant. If students do not plan to return to their academic career, they may withdraw from the university online, or students can send a request via email to their departmental program assistant. This request should be completed by the 20th day within the semester you plan to be absent.
A grade of “C” can be counted toward your degree, but may cause your graduate GPA to go below the required 3.0 to remain in good academic standing. This may require that you be placed on academic probation and could lead to dismissal from the graduate program. Students who receive a grade of C or below, will receive a warning letter from the Dean’s Office to alert you to the rules and policies surrounding poor academic performance. There are no grade replacement options available at the graduate level. Students should communicate with faculty and instructors throughout the semester to ensure they are performing at the highest level.
Students are placed on academic probation or dismissed if their cumulative GPA goes below 3.0. All courses 500 level and above count towards a student’s graduate GPA. Even if the course doesn’t count toward your degree, it will be counted toward your graduate GPA (500 level and above). Students who are in danger of probation or dismissal should contact their departmental programs advisor or director to discuss options.