Faculty/Staff Resources

Faculty/Staff Resources

KU’s Engineering Diversity & Women’s Program is not just for students – it is for the staff and faculty too. Fostering an inclusive climate for students must start with fostering an inclusive climate for the staff and faculty.

Digital Impact and Belonging Map

This resource is a dynamic, digital map providing access to places at KU that offer support, programming, and professional development for all things DEIB.
Impact and Belonging map

Student Access Center

The Student Access Center assists students with disabilities by facilitating accommodations that remove barriers to their academic success.
access center

CARE Referrals

Care referrals are designed to encourage early identification of individuals who may be experiencing difficulty coping with their environment, life circumstance, or other barrier to their well-being.
CARE Referral

Office of Civil Rights & Title IX

We are committed to being an institution that is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual violence and retaliation.

Take a look at our KUEST programs and connect with the Associate Dean for Impact and Belonging, Dr. Elaina Sutley, for a consultation about how you can become involved. Incorporate the KUEST and IHAWKe programs into your 'NSF Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources' document here.