SAME Chapter Set for Inaugural Meeting

Mon, 11/27/2006


Hal Dale Beckerman

Efforts are under way to establish a student chapter of the Society of American Military Engineers at the University of Kansas. SAME is largely composed of civilian engineers who work in positions that provide support for national security endeavors.

The KU student chapter will have its first meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 29, in the Spahr Engineering Classroom in Eaton Hall. All School of Engineering students, regardless of discipline or year in school, are welcome to attend. Dinner will be provided.

The meeting will cover a variety of topics and will feature several guest speakers, including a former president of Burns & McDonnell and a retired officer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The program also will include a review of scholarship and internship opportunities available through SAME.

Learn more about SAME.

Mon, 11/27/2006


Hal Dale Beckerman