SELF Students to Hold Tasty Fundraiser

Mon, 04/21/2008


Hal Dale Beckerman

The University of Kansas will be the site of the first Flapjacks for Philanthropy fundraiser on April 26.

Students in the Self Engineering Leadership Fellows Program at the KU School of Engineering will hold a pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 26, to benefit an area camp for children with spina bifida. The all-you-can-eat pancake feed will be in the Engineering Courtyard between Eaton and Learned Halls on the KU campus.

All proceeds from the event benefit Camp MITIOG, the only camp in the nation that focuses on children with spina bifida. Located in Excelsior Springs, Mo., the camp lets children put aside their disabilities and enjoy a week of fun. Camp MITIOG is structured to help the children with activities that fulfill their physical and emotional developmental needs, increase their sense of self-worth and promote self-reliance in daily activities. The children and their families are served without regard to sex, race, religion, economic condition, educational status or social level.

Tickets are $5 in advance or $6 the morning of the event. Advance tickets are available by contacting one of the students in the SELF Program or the SELF Program Director Lucy McGilley, 864-2945. The event also will feature drawings for prizes and gift certificates.

The SELF Program, funded by KU alumni Madison "Al" and Lila Self, is an enrichment and leadership program for goal-oriented engineering and computer science students who want to become leaders in technology and business.

Flapjacks for Philanthropy

Who: Anyone with a hearty appetite

What: All-you-can-eat pancake breakfast

When: 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 26

Where: School of Engineering Courtyard, 1520 W. 15th St., Lawrence

Why: Benefit for children with spina bifida

Mon, 04/21/2008


Hal Dale Beckerman