Room Reservations
Due to limited room availability, only Registered Engineering Groups are able to make room reservation requests.
Any requests made from non-engineering groups will be denied.
Classrooms available for reservation:
G411, G415, 1420, 2415, 2420, 2425, Atrium, Lawn
1136, 2133, 3150, 3151, 3152
2 (Spahr Classroom), 1010, 1014, 1018, Atrium, Courtyard
Please allow two business days for requests to be processed.
Study Rooms can be reserved in the Engineering Connector.
- Log-in to the Connector.
- Submit the Reserve LEEP2 Study Roomsform.
- Reserve a room using the Room Reservations leftmenu tab.
You may reserve rooms for a maximum of 2 hours, total per day.