
Sun, 06/24/2007

KU Team Wins 2nd at Formula SAE West

Fri, 06/15/2007

Engineering Racecar Project Wins Honors at International Competition

Sun, 05/20/2007

Students Commended During Recognition Ceremony

The University of Kansas School of Engineering honored its graduates at a recognition ceremony, Sunday, May 20, 2007. ...

Fri, 05/18/2007

Graduation Stories: Engineering Student Lands Dream Job in Japan

Sun, 05/13/2007

Enrollment Opens for Project Discovery 2007

Registration is under way for Project Discovery, a residential summer camp at the University of Kansas for girls entering ninth through 12th grade. ...

Tue, 05/01/2007

Alumni to Receive School's Top Honor

The University of Kansas School of Engineering and its Advisory Board will honor three of the school's alumni for careers that exemplify professional achievement. ...

Tue, 04/24/2007

Motorsports Team Reveals 2007 Formula Vehicle

Fri, 04/20/2007

New KU Bioengineering Degrees Reflect Kansas Biosciences Boom

In conjunction with the expansion of the biosciences industry near Lawrence and Kansas City, the University of Kansas School of Engineering this fall will offer students the chance to pursue graduate degrees in the cutting-edge field of bioengineering. ...

Mon, 04/09/2007

KU Team Takes First Place in Corporate Software Competition

Mon, 04/09/2007

School Launches SELF Leadership Program For Undergraduates

Mon, 04/09/2007

Engineering Faculty Member to Lead National Organization

Mon, 04/09/2007

KU's NSF Center to Help Celebrate International Polar Year

Mon, 04/09/2007

Ford CEO to Hold Q&A with KU Engineering Students, Deliver Lecture

Wed, 04/04/2007

Ford Motor Company CEO to speak at KU

Tue, 02/27/2007

KU Alumnus Returns to Discuss Military Management

University of Kansas alumnus Rear Adm. Mark Heinrich will speak to business, engineering and military science students about supply chain management in a military environment. ...

Tue, 02/27/2007

Jayhawk Motorsports to Offer Sneak Peek to Corporates

The internationally recognized Jayhawk Motorsports team at the University of Kansas invites alumni and interested corporations to get involved with its first ever Jayhawk Motorsports Corporate Invitational March 8. ...

Tue, 01/30/2007

Ice Sheet Expert to Launch Seminar Series on Feb. 7

Professor Lonnie Thompson, one of the world's foremost authorities on paleoclimatology and glaciology, will be at the University of Kansas to launch the CReSIS Spring Seminar Series. ...

Tue, 01/23/2007

Bioengineering Day Set For Feb. 3

Prominent academic, business and research leaders from the region will gather in the Kansas Union on Feb. 3, 2007, for the first regional Bioengineering Day coordinated by the University of Kansas School of Engineering. ...

Fri, 01/12/2007

KU Alumnus Named Aviation's 2006 Person of the Year

Tue, 12/19/2006

Faculty to Head Back Into Classroom

The University of Kansas School of Engineering will host its annual teaching workshop for faculty from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007, in the Spahr Engineering Classroom, 2 Eaton Hall. Ronald W. Welch, the 2006 ASEE National Outstanding Teaching Award recipient, is the guest speaker. ...

Mon, 12/11/2006

KU graduate earns second in AIChE contest

National recognition has become a tradition at the University of Kansas School of Engineering. ...

Mon, 11/27/2006

SAME Chapter Set for Inaugural Meeting

Efforts are under way to establish a student chapter of the Society of American Military Engineers at the University of Kansas. SAME is largely composed of civilian engineers who work in positions that provide support for national security endeavors. ...

Tue, 11/21/2006

Class Delivers Corporate-Level Competition Experience

Students at the University of Kansas are competing head to head against students at other institutions. But this contest is taking place in the classroom and the boardroom, not on a playing field. ...

Mon, 10/30/2006

KU Alumnus Establishes Study Abroad Scholarship

A University of Kansas alumnus has pledged $30,000 to establish study abroad scholarships for engineering students at KU. ...

Mon, 10/30/2006

TRI Brings Clinton Administration Adviser to KU

After spending 21 years advising members of the Cabinet, Congress and President Clinton on the impact of science and technology on society, John H. Gibbons is coming to Lawrence to spend a day sharing his expertise with students and faculty at the University of Kansas. ...

Mon, 10/09/2006

KU Engineering Alumnus Takes the Wheel at Ford

Mon, 10/09/2006

University Names Director of Transportation Research Institute

Mon, 10/09/2006

Renowned Professor to Lead Bioengineering Research Efforts

Paulette Spencer, a nationally known researcher in bio-synthetic materials that replace diseased oral and skeletal tissues, will lead bioengineering research efforts at the University of Kansas. ...

Wed, 09/20/2006

High School Students to Split the Uprights

Let the countdown to kickoff begin. ...

Tue, 09/19/2006

Nationally known professor to lead bioengineering research at KU

Paulette Spencer, a nationally known researcher in bio-synthetic materials that replace diseased oral and skeletal tissues, will lead bioengineering research efforts at the University of Kansas. ...

Media Contacts

Cody Howard

School of Engineering


Erinn Barcomb-Peterson

KU Director of News and Media Relations


Mark B. Shiflett

Foundation Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering and Director of the Wonderful Institute for Sustainable Engineering, University of Kansas,