School of Engineering Undergraduate Research Fellows

The KU School of Engineering launched a new Undergraduate Research Fellows (UGRF) Program in November 2019. This program provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate students interested in research by supporting their efforts to build their skills as the next generation of engineers and scientists. Support for UGRF includes a student stipend, transferable skill training to enhance hands-on experience with research projects, and access and training with advanced instrumentation in KU research facilities. Most of all, the UGRF program provides a remarkable experience to these fellows due to the mentoring they receive from the Engineering faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students. This combination of enriching experiences — personalized training, expert mentoring, and access to world-class resources — makes this a top-flight program.

Application to the program is open each year from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. Undergraduates with a required minimum of two semesters prior to their graduation are eligible. The next application cycle will open in November of 2024. The deadline for applications is December 1st. Application reviews and selection of Fellows are completed in December. The Undergraduate Research Fellows receive $1500 for the research - split evenly into two payments over the Spring and Fall semesters.  Read More

2020 Fellows

Katie Donnelly
  • Major: Chemical engineering with an emphasis in bioengineering
  • Classification: Sophomore Class of 2023
  • Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Robinson

Matthew Jaeschke
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering with a Bioengineering focus
  • Classification: Senior graduating in May 2021
  • Faculty Mentor: Dr. Candan Tamerler

Apurva Rai
  • Major: Computer Science/ Mathematics Double Major
  • Classification: Spring 2021
  • Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael S Branicky

2021 Fellows

2022 Fellows

2023 Fellows

Elizabeth Appel
  • Civil Engineering, 2024
  • Hometown: Kansas City, MO
  • Major: Civil Engineering (Emphasis in Water Resources and Environmental)
  • Year: Junior
  • Research Faculty Mentor: Dr. Admin Husic

2024 Fellows

2025 Fellows

More Info: Undergraduate Research Fellows Program

The most challenging problems in engineering require interdisciplinary approaches. UGR Fellows gain experience and insight into key challenging scientific problems at an early stage in their education. They have a unique opportunity to learn about their area of interest and invent ways to problem solve by advancing projects through conducting experiments.

Beyond learning critical interdisciplinary techniques, Fellows learn how to analyze complex experimental results, design their own experiments, and write proposals to apply for undergraduate research grants sponsored by internal and external funding sources. These resources provide UGR Fellows with a unique environment to improve their skills, communicate more effectively at scientific conferences, as well as to potentially get their research published. As UGRF students learn these skills, they likely encounter many obstacles impeding the progress of their projects, but through the mentoring provided, they also learn better problem-solving skills. This experience makes the UGR Fellows more resilient and better scientists and engineers.

UGR Fellows are the research ambassadors for Engineering. They are mentored to be competitive for funding from federal agencies, foundations, and industry partnership programs. This experience prepares them for their careers. The UGR Fellows are part of the KU School of Engineering’s efforts to raise its profile as a world-class engineering school.

Undergraduate Research Fellows at the February 2021 Virtual Meeting

Undergraduate Research Fellows at the February 2021 Virtual Meeting

Not pictured: Emma Bartelsen, Darene Essa, Austin Gartner, Jacob Hammil, Evelyn Kappes-Sum, Manjit Pant, and Rhianna Roth.